The Most Popular Math Learning Programs Among High-Achieving Young Students

8 min readJun 15, 2023

In today’s digital age, educational platforms have become invaluable resources for parents, teachers, and tutors seeking to support student learning. This article aims to provide a detailed comparison of three popular educational resources —, Beast Academy, and Singapore Math. By examining these platforms in depth, parents, teachers, and tutors can make informed decisions about the best resources to enhance student education.

Beestar is an online learning platform that offers a wide range of practice materials, worksheets, and weekly quizzes for several subjects. The platform caters to various grade levels, providing an extensive library of interactive resources. Beestar offers multiple standout features, such as the progressive exercise system, their motivating weekly honor roll, a Gifted and Talented program, the Beestar national math competition, and a Computer Science learning program.

The Progressive Exercise system offers carefully designed exercises that progress in difficulty level, allowing students to gradually build their skills and knowledge. The Progressive Exercise system provides a structured approach to learning. Students begin with foundational exercises and gradually move on to more challenging ones as they demonstrate proficiency. This approach ensures a solid understanding of concepts and allows for gradual skill development. Many Beestar students enjoy the exercises as they are filled with interesting colorful clipart and illustrations. Beestar helps students develop confidence and competence in the subject areas they are studying. Please note that while Beestar does not offer adaptive learning in the strict sense, its Progressive Exercise system provides a well-structured and progressive learning experience for students.

Another notable feature of Beestar is its weekly honor roll. The platform recognizes and celebrates students who perform well in the weekly exercises. This feature serves as a powerful motivator for students, as it acknowledges their hard work and achievements. Being included in the honor roll boosts students’ confidence and encourages them to continue striving for excellence in their learning journey. The weekly honor roll provides a sense of accomplishment and healthy competition among students as it fosters a positive learning environment. Beestar also offers a comprehensive set of tools for parents, teachers, and tutors. The platform provides progress tracking and performance analysis tools, enabling educators to monitor student development over time. These features help identify areas of strength and areas that need further attention, allowing for targeted instruction and support.

By providing a dedicated GT program, Beestar ensures that gifted students have access to resources that challenge and engage them academically. Their program is specifically designed to tailor GT students’ advanced abilities. This specialized content allows GT students to explore topics in greater depth, encouraging them to think critically, make connections, and apply their knowledge in innovative ways. This program recognizes and celebrates the unique abilities of GT students. Fostering a learning environment that nurtures their talents and allows them to excel, Beestar supports and empowers this exceptional group of learners.

One of the popular features among Beestar users is the Beestar math national competition, which is hosted twice a year for grades 2nd–8th, organized by grade level. The math national competition on Beestar offers students an exciting opportunity to showcase their math skills and compete with peers from across the country. Being an online competition, it provides a convenient and accessible platform for students to participate in the competition from the comfort of their homes or schools. The competition follows grade-specific guidelines and curriculum, ensuring that students are challenged appropriately based on their grade level. The competition format includes a series of math problems that assess students’ understanding of various mathematical concepts, problem-solving abilities, and critical thinking skills. Participating in the math national competition offers several benefits for students; Beestar enhances the learning experience and motivates students to excel in their math studies.

The Computer Science learning program on Beestar is designed for students who are interested in acquiring computer knowledge and skills. This program introduces students to the fundamentals of computer science through engaging and interactive lessons. It equips them with essential skills and knowledge that are relevant to the digital age. It covers a variety of topics, including coding, algorithms, problem-solving, and computational thinking. The popularity of the Computer Science learning program on Beestar can be attributed to its comprehensive and accessible approach. Students can learn at their own pace and build a solid foundation in computer science concepts.

Beast Academy, developed by the Art of Problem Solving (AoPS), is an educational website that focuses on advanced math instruction. It primarily targets gifted students and those seeking a challenge in mathematics. The website is designed to provide a rigorous and in-depth exploration of math concepts, encouraging critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Beast Academy offers a visually engaging and interactive approach to math learning. The curriculum is presented in a comic book style, with lively illustrations and captivating narratives that capture students’ interest and make learning fun. The content covers a wide range of math topics, including number theory, algebra, geometry, statistics, and more. Each topic is introduced through a series of lessons and accompanied by practice problems and puzzles to reinforce understanding.

One of the key strengths of Beast Academy is its emphasis on problem-solving strategies and mathematical reasoning. Students are encouraged to think creatively, apply logical reasoning, and develop a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. The curriculum challenges students with complex problems and encourages them to explore multiple approaches to finding solutions.

Beast Academy also provides comprehensive support materials for educators and parents. The website offers detailed lesson plans, answer keys, and additional resources to facilitate effective teaching and learning. The platform includes an online learning system that tracks students’ progress and provides real-time feedback, allowing educators and parents to monitor performance and identify areas for improvement.

Singapore Math Curriculum

Singapore Math is a highly regarded and widely adopted mathematics curriculum developed by the Ministry of Education in Singapore. It is known for its focus on problem-solving, critical thinking, and the development of a strong conceptual understanding of mathematical principles.

The Singapore Math curriculum follows a carefully structured approach that builds upon foundational concepts before progressing to more complex topics. It emphasizes the use of visual models, such as bar models, to help students visualize and solve mathematical problems. The curriculum covers a wide range of topics, including numbers, operations, algebra, geometry, measurement, and data analysis.

One of the key features of Singapore Math is the concrete-pictorial-abstract (CPA) approach, which encourages students to move from hands-on manipulatives to visual representations and then to abstract symbolic representations. This approach helps students develop a deep understanding of mathematical concepts by connecting concrete experiences with visual and abstract reasoning.

Singapore Math also places a strong emphasis on problem-solving skills. Students are exposed to a variety of problem-solving techniques and strategies, fostering their ability to analyze and solve complex mathematical problems. The curriculum provides ample opportunities for students to apply their knowledge and skills in real-life contexts.

Many educational websites and resources have adapted the Singapore Math curriculum, providing additional practice materials, interactive activities, and online assessments. These resources aim to supplement classroom instruction and provide students with extra support and practice.

Summary of the Three Learning programs

In conclusion,, Beast Academy, and Singapore Math are three exceptional educational resources that cater to the diverse needs of students, parents, teachers, and tutors. Each platform brings its own unique features and approaches to support student learning, particularly in the field of mathematics.

Beestar stands out for its comprehensive range of resources, including its progressive exercise system, weekly honor roll, Gifted and Talented program, Computer Science learning program, and math national competitions. With its user-friendly interface and personalized instruction, Beestar provides a versatile and motivating online learning experience.

Beast Academy, developed by the Art of Problem Solving, takes math learning to a whole new level. Its visually engaging comic book style, focus on problem-solving strategies, and emphasis on critical thinking make it an excellent choice for gifted students and those seeking advanced mathematical challenges. Beast Academy’s interactive approach ignites students’ curiosity and unleashes their mathematical potential.

Singapore Math, renowned for its well-structured curriculum and emphasis on problem-solving and conceptual understanding, offers a powerful foundation in mathematics. Its concrete-pictorial-abstract approach and emphasis on real-world application equip students with the skills and confidence to tackle complex mathematical problems. With the availability of supplementary resources and adaptations, Singapore Math provides a comprehensive and globally recognized framework for learning.

When considering the best educational website for your child’s learning journey, it’s essential to explore the features, strengths, and teaching philosophies of each platform. Beestar, Beast Academy, and Singapore Math offer valuable resources that can support and enhance your child’s education, whether they need consistent practice, advanced challenges, or a solid mathematical foundation. By harnessing the power of these educational websites, parents, teachers, and tutors can create engaging and effective learning experiences that inspire a lifelong love for learning and foster academic success. Remember, each child is unique, so finding the right blend of resources and approaches is key to unlocking their full potential in the world of education.




An avid early childhood educator, a Gifted Talented Education commentator and writer, and a mom of 3 children.